Monday, November 12, 2012

Occupation of the Ruhr Cartoon

Using your mnemonic, interpret this cartoon! Think Tacos Can Actually Increase Creativity!

This is a German cartoon from 1923. The woman represents the French army. The words at the bottom say, "Hands off the Ruhr."

After you interpret the cartoon, answer the following question.

Are you surprised by this cartoon? Use your knowledge to explain your answer. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Cambridge History Exam Scavenger Hunt!

Today you'll be completing a scavenger hunt to find out more about your Cambridge History Exams!

Follow the directions in order to complete your foldable and learn more about your history exam!

There are some paper copies of the exams if you'd prefer to look through those, but I do not have enough for the entire class. Come see me with questions or if you would like to see the paper copies.

Happy hunting!

Paper 1 Tab:
First and foremost, you need to know when you're taking these exams!

You'll be taking your Paper 1 exam on Tuesday, May 7, 2013.

To find out about how long it will take, how many questions and sections, check the following link:
Click here to look at last year's Paper 1.

Section A: Core Content Tab:
Scroll through the questions to figure out 1-3.
Click here to look at last year's Paper 1.

Choose questions about content that you know! Don't pick questions about things you've never heard of!

The skills needed will be found in here: Click here to look at last year's Paper 1.

Section B: Depth Students Tab:
What Depth Study are we studying now? That will help you answer #1.

To answer 2-4, Click here to look at last year's Paper 1.

For 5, Click here to check out Tips for Paper 1.

Paper 2 Tab
You'll be taking your Paper 2 exam on Friday, May 24, 2013.

To find out how long Paper 2 will take, how many questions, sections, and what you'll have to interpret, Click here to look at last year's Paper 2.

For Paper 2, you will choose the 20th Century Option, which will be about the Peace Treaties of 1919.

Click here to check out Tips for Paper 2.

Coursework Tab

Click here to look at the Coursework assignment.

You will complete your Coursework assignment in Mrs. Anzur's class during the months of January and February. You will have 6 weeks to complete your Coursework assignment. You are allowed to work on it outside of class and at home. Coursework must be typed! It will be counted for a grade in Mrs. Anzur's class as well as toward your Cambridge exam score.

Other Tips Tab
Click here for more tips about the Cambridge exam!