Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday & Wednesday, November 22 & 23

Hello, history students!

Today we will be finishing up our time spent with the League of Nations. The guiding question we will be investigating today is "Why did the League of Nations fail in the the 1930s?"

We will search out the answer to this question through three case studies, namely Manchuria, Disarmament, and Abyssinia.

For your DO NOW, please take out your KWL chart from a couple weeks ago. Please fill out the L column with what you have learned about Germany between 1919-1939. Take five minutes to complete this chart.

Through Guided Notes and a pretty rocking Keynote presentation, we will explore how the economic depression gave rise to the crises in Manchuria and Abyssinia, as well as the failure that was the Disarmament Conference.

Please click here for access to the Guided Notes and Keynote Presentation.

Your homework:

Complete the Guided Notes packet, including the final page  AND

Write a descriptive essay about going back in time. Change either the Manchurian or Abyssinian crises. Describe what the time period was like and how you changed everything. How would this impact the future?

Decline of the League of Nations in the 1930s

Economic Depression impacting all countries


Japan and Manchuria

Mussolini and Abyssinia


Haile Selassie, emperor of Abyssinia

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