Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday & Thursday, November 30 & December 1

Good day, history students!

For those of you without an iPad, please take out a piece of paper and wait for my instruction.

Today we will be revisiting Abyssinia and how it led to World War Two. Please click here to complete the in-class activity.

From the conflict in Abyssinia, we will see the steps Hitler took and what the British and French did (or didn't do) about it. We will complete an additional timeline tracking the events of the 1930s until 1940, noting the conflicts in the League of Nations and Hitler's movements. This will give us a good idea of the mounting tension in Europe in the 1930s.

Your homework: Looking back at the 1930s, choose one event (other than Hitler coming into power in Germany) that could have prevented World War Two. Explain how things would have been different. This is due Friday (P1M & P2M) or Monday (P2G & P4G).

Reflect on what we learned today:

Why was the League of Nations such an epic failure?

How did the League of Nations contribute to the start of World War Two?

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