Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday & Monday, December 2 & 5

Hello, history students!

For your Do Now, compare the two cartoons below.
How can these cartoons be used to describe the League of Nations, especially in the 1930s?
What can you learn from these cartoons?
Be specific with your answer.

Today we will talk about Appeasement. What is appeasement?

Pages 264-273 will discuss the policy of appeasement. You will work with a partner to determine whether or not it was a good policy for France and Britain to follow.

We will specifically look at reasons why Britain and France used Appeasement during the 1930s and whether or not this was the best idea. Further, we will look at issues in Czechoslovakia and the Sudetenland.

Hitler is still on the move....

Due: Tuesday (P1M & P2M) or Wednesday (P2G & P4G) 
Your homework: Imagine you are Neville Chamberlain in 1938. Write a letter to France's Prime Minster Daladier. Explain in your letter why you think giving the Sudetenland to Hitler is the best course of action.

P2M: Also write a response from Daladier back to Chamberlain, either agreeing or disagreeing with Chamberlain.

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