Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday and Friday, September 22 & 23

Happy History, my stellar students!

Today we will be looking further into Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points and why they drew criticism from Clemenceau, Lloyd George, and other European countries.

Do Now: Name two goals of the Paris Peace Conference.

Current Event

Now we will all determine the fate of Germany as you take up the positions of either Clemenceau, Wilson, or Lloyd George.

First, let's check out this groovy video!

Now, we will break into groups to understand our identities as representatives of countries at the Peace Conference.

Some of you will represent France, some Britain, some the United States, and some Germany. All of you, except Germany, will work together to develop a Peace Treaty that all countries will sign and agree to.

Information for Great Britain

Information for France

Information for USA

Treaty Template

Your homework for Monday/Tuesday is to predict the terms of the actual Treaty of Versailles and how Germany will respond to the Treaty.
You can submit it online or on paper. Click here to submit.

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