Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday, September 14 & 15

Today...we DEBATE!

Do Now: Analyze a political cartoon.

To begin our debate, you need take out your argument for your verdict. We will split into four groups to support each verdict. You will also need to have out the witness accounts to support your verdict.

When I say, you will split into groups based on your verdicts and will discuss your arguments. We will then arrange the class for a debate to explore the reasons to support each side of the debate.

Rules for Debate:

1. EVERYONE must participate. If you do not participate, you will receive a zero (0) for the debate.

2. This debate is worth 25 points.

3. You must respectfully listen to others and, if you disagree, respectfully disagree. For example, say, "I hear what you are saying, but I disagree because..."

4. If at any time you change your mind, you may quietly stand up and move to that part of the room. However, if you change your mind, you need explain what evidence or argument has made you do so.

5. By the end of the debate you must be able to explain why you believe your verdict is correct and why you believe the other verdicts are incorrect.

As always, if you have questions, please come see me! I am happy to help!

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