Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20 & 21

Happy Tuesday/Wednesday, Historians!

Do Now

There will be a test on September 30 (9D) and October 3 (9A, 9B, and 9E). You will be given study guides next week!

The Mood in 1919

When the leaders of France, Britain, and the United States arrived in Paris in January 1919 to draw up the peace treaties, they were already under pressure to deal severely with Germany. The people of the victorious countries, particularly in France and Britain, felt strongly that Germany was responsible for the war and should be punished.

Total British and French casualties, killed or injured, probably amounted to over 9 million (that's about six Phoenixes!). Allied feelings toward Germany after its treatment of Russia in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk were strained; from the point of view of the Allies, this was further proof of the evil ambitions of the German regime.

Meet the Leaders at the Paris Peace Conference


What were the goals of this peace conference?

Discuss in your countries what the goals should be.
  • To punish Germany?
  • To cripple Germany so that it could not start another war?
  • To reward the winning countries?
  • To establish a just (fair) and lasting peace?

As I read more about each of the leaders, complete the table you picked up when you came in the room.

You should be listening for what their attitudes toward Germany were and what they hoped to get out of the Peace Conference.

President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
  1. No secret treaties
  2. Free access to the seas in peacetime or wartime.
  3. Free trade between countries.
  4. All countries to work towards disarmament.
  5. Colonies to have a say in their own future.
  6. German troops to leave Russia.
  7. Independence for Belgium.
  8. France to regain Alsace-Lorraine.
  9. Frontier between Austria and Italy to be adjusted.
  10. Self-determination for the peoples of eastern Europe (they should rule themselves).
  11. Serbia to have access to the sea.
  12. Self-determination for the people in the Turkish Empire.
  13. Poland to become an independent state with access to the sea.
  14. League of Nations to be set up.

Discuss in your countries the points assigned by Mrs. Anzur. Why would President Wilson include these?   What about self-determination? Could that be problematic?

Your homework: Summarize the goals of each of The Big Three in the Paris Peace Conference.
You may either submit here or on paper. It is due Thursday (9D) or Friday (9A, 9B, and 9E).

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