Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday/Tuesday, September 26 & 27

Happy Monday and Tuesday, History students!

This cartoon is depicting Clemenceau as a vampire, preying upon a weakened Germany. It was published in July 1919.
Do Now: Analyze this cartoon for audience, purpose, and message. Click here to submit. 
If you do not have an iPad to use, please take out a half-sheet of paper to complete your Do Now.

Today we'll be revisiting policies and procedures to make sure we're focused on learning in the classroom.

You each will be receiving a study guide today to help you prepare for the test. Your test will be either Friday, September 30, if you have history on Maroon days, or Monday, October 3, if you have history on Gold days. You will also receive points for completing your study guide. It will be collected right before your test.

To get a copy of the study guide online, please click here.

Please click here for your ticket out of class.

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