Thursday, September 29, 2011

Friday, September 30


I'm sorry I cannot be here today.

Please click here for your Do Now. :)

Good luck today!!

If you have questions, please email me at

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday & Thursday, September 28 & 29

Hello, History students!

Today we will continue reviewing for your test on Friday/Monday!

Please click here for your Do Now. If you do not have an iPad, you need to use a sheet of paper to answer the following question:

In your opinion, who was to blame for the start of World War One? Explain your answer using details and examples from what we have studied in class.

We'll be playing Jeopardy as well as a few other games to help prepare you for your test. Take advantage of the time today. It's your last chance before the test!

Remember, there is history tutoring today in my classroom from 4:15-5:00. Come on by!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday/Tuesday, September 26 & 27

Happy Monday and Tuesday, History students!

This cartoon is depicting Clemenceau as a vampire, preying upon a weakened Germany. It was published in July 1919.
Do Now: Analyze this cartoon for audience, purpose, and message. Click here to submit. 
If you do not have an iPad to use, please take out a half-sheet of paper to complete your Do Now.

Today we'll be revisiting policies and procedures to make sure we're focused on learning in the classroom.

You each will be receiving a study guide today to help you prepare for the test. Your test will be either Friday, September 30, if you have history on Maroon days, or Monday, October 3, if you have history on Gold days. You will also receive points for completing your study guide. It will be collected right before your test.

To get a copy of the study guide online, please click here.

Please click here for your ticket out of class.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday and Friday, September 22 & 23

Happy History, my stellar students!

Today we will be looking further into Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points and why they drew criticism from Clemenceau, Lloyd George, and other European countries.

Do Now: Name two goals of the Paris Peace Conference.

Current Event

Now we will all determine the fate of Germany as you take up the positions of either Clemenceau, Wilson, or Lloyd George.

First, let's check out this groovy video!

Now, we will break into groups to understand our identities as representatives of countries at the Peace Conference.

Some of you will represent France, some Britain, some the United States, and some Germany. All of you, except Germany, will work together to develop a Peace Treaty that all countries will sign and agree to.

Information for Great Britain

Information for France

Information for USA

Treaty Template

Your homework for Monday/Tuesday is to predict the terms of the actual Treaty of Versailles and how Germany will respond to the Treaty.
You can submit it online or on paper. Click here to submit.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20 & 21

Happy Tuesday/Wednesday, Historians!

Do Now

There will be a test on September 30 (9D) and October 3 (9A, 9B, and 9E). You will be given study guides next week!

The Mood in 1919

When the leaders of France, Britain, and the United States arrived in Paris in January 1919 to draw up the peace treaties, they were already under pressure to deal severely with Germany. The people of the victorious countries, particularly in France and Britain, felt strongly that Germany was responsible for the war and should be punished.

Total British and French casualties, killed or injured, probably amounted to over 9 million (that's about six Phoenixes!). Allied feelings toward Germany after its treatment of Russia in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk were strained; from the point of view of the Allies, this was further proof of the evil ambitions of the German regime.

Meet the Leaders at the Paris Peace Conference


What were the goals of this peace conference?

Discuss in your countries what the goals should be.
  • To punish Germany?
  • To cripple Germany so that it could not start another war?
  • To reward the winning countries?
  • To establish a just (fair) and lasting peace?

As I read more about each of the leaders, complete the table you picked up when you came in the room.

You should be listening for what their attitudes toward Germany were and what they hoped to get out of the Peace Conference.

President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
  1. No secret treaties
  2. Free access to the seas in peacetime or wartime.
  3. Free trade between countries.
  4. All countries to work towards disarmament.
  5. Colonies to have a say in their own future.
  6. German troops to leave Russia.
  7. Independence for Belgium.
  8. France to regain Alsace-Lorraine.
  9. Frontier between Austria and Italy to be adjusted.
  10. Self-determination for the peoples of eastern Europe (they should rule themselves).
  11. Serbia to have access to the sea.
  12. Self-determination for the people in the Turkish Empire.
  13. Poland to become an independent state with access to the sea.
  14. League of Nations to be set up.

Discuss in your countries the points assigned by Mrs. Anzur. Why would President Wilson include these?   What about self-determination? Could that be problematic?

Your homework: Summarize the goals of each of The Big Three in the Paris Peace Conference.
You may either submit here or on paper. It is due Thursday (9D) or Friday (9A, 9B, and 9E).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Friday and Monday, September 16 & 19

Hello, lovely history students!

The painting below is what you will be responding to for your Do Now. The painting is called "Gassed" and it is by British artist John Singer Sargent. Write a three (3) sentence response to the painting. For example, what does this painting make you think about The Great War?

I want to tell you how impressed I was with the class debates over the last two days. Well down, group!

Over the next couple of weeks we will be discussing the aftermath of The Great War, including the Peace Treaties and the League of Nations. Through our classwork and discussions, we will begin to determine whether or not the Peace Treaties were fair and if the outcomes of the Treaties would have a positive or negative impact on the future.

Today we will take notes on information about The Great War so we can have a context and understand what all the countries had experienced during the war. Here are some pictures, paintings, posters, and maps to help us understand what was happening.

A German poster from the First World War showing a heroic image of a frontline soldier. The poster was advertising a scheme to raise money for the German war effort.

A map of the main front of The Great War.
The Germans generally held better ground and had established their trenches in the early stages of war. Many of their dug-outs and machine-gun posts were reinforced with concrete which provided a stronger defense against artillery bombardment. 

A cross-section of a front-line trench. These were supported by much stronger reserve trenches and linked by communication trenches. German trenches were generally stronger and better constructed than Allied trenches. 

Trenches in the Somme (at left) in July 1916 and in Gueudecourt (at right) in December 1916.
Cavalry (troops on horses) were suddenly out of the modern army. Once trenches were dug cavalry became too vulnerable to artillery and machine guns. In one particular cavalry charge only three out of 400 hundred horses survived. Even so, horses and mules remained vital for transporting supplies and equipment in the swamp-like conditions of the Western Front.
"We see the attackers coming. Our machine guns rattle, rifles crack. We recognize the helmets of the attackers. They are French. They have already suffered heavily when they reach our barbed wire.  We retreat. We leave bombs behind us in the trench. We hurl explosives at the feet of the enemy before we run.  At last we reach one of our support trenches that is in somewhat better condition. It is manned and ready for the counter attack...Our guns open in full blast and stop the enemy attack...We counter attack. It does not come quite to hand to hand fighting; they are driven back. We arrive once again at our original shattered trench and pass on beyond it...Now we are so close on the heels of our retreating enemies that we reach their line almost at the same time as they do...But we cannot stay here long. We must retire under cover of our artillery to our own position..We get back pretty well. There is no further attack by the enemy."  Adapted from All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel by Erich Maria Remarque. He was a German who fought on the Western Front, and was twice badly wounded.

Tanks were invented by the British and first used at the Battle of Somme. They advanced ahead of the infantry, crushing barbed-wire defenses and spraying the enemy with machine-gun fire. They caused alarm among the Germans and raised the morale of the British troops. However, these first machine only moved at walking pace. They were not very maneuverable and very unreliable, and they blasted through enemy lines so quickly that the infantry could not keep up. By 1918 the Germans have figured out how to adapt field guns to fire at tanks and the tanks were hard to miss.
A map of the major battles on the Western Front, 1915-1917.

Airships used by the British aided in hunting for U-boats and escorting ships. German technology produced the Zeppelin; these airships were key weapons in the early war at sea. They were able to fly higher and faster than many early planes.
A map of the naval battles in the North Sea and the North Sea Blockade.

Discussion Questions:

Why were casualties so high on the Western Front?

Why had Russia left the war by January 1918?

How did the USA come to join the war? What difference did this make to the war effort?

Look at the picture of Ypres in Belgium. You are a reporter for a Belgian newspaper. Write a caption to go with the photograph displayed. Your caption should aim to persuade the Allied leaders to punish Germany. Click here to submit your caption.

 Look at the British Empire Union cartoon below. Explain in your own words what the displayed cartoon is trying to say about 'the German'. Click here to submit your explanation.

Your homework for Tuesday/Wednesday has to deal with the following quote:

"If I am elected, Germany is going to pay...I have personally no doubt we will get everything that you can squeeze out of a lemon, and a bit more. I propose that every bit of [German-owned] property, movable and immovable, in Allied and neutral countries, whether State property or private property, should be surrendered by the Germans."

Sir Eric Geddes, a government minister, speaking to a rally 
in the general election campaign, December 1918.

This quote comes from a speech in the 1918 British general election campaign. At the end of the speech Geddes holds a question time. What questions do you think might be asked, or what criticism or comments might be made?

Thank you for a great class! Remember to get all your questions answered before you leave the room. If you need extra help, come see me during Learning Lab, before or after school!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday, September 14 & 15

Today...we DEBATE!

Do Now: Analyze a political cartoon.

To begin our debate, you need take out your argument for your verdict. We will split into four groups to support each verdict. You will also need to have out the witness accounts to support your verdict.

When I say, you will split into groups based on your verdicts and will discuss your arguments. We will then arrange the class for a debate to explore the reasons to support each side of the debate.

Rules for Debate:

1. EVERYONE must participate. If you do not participate, you will receive a zero (0) for the debate.

2. This debate is worth 25 points.

3. You must respectfully listen to others and, if you disagree, respectfully disagree. For example, say, "I hear what you are saying, but I disagree because..."

4. If at any time you change your mind, you may quietly stand up and move to that part of the room. However, if you change your mind, you need explain what evidence or argument has made you do so.

5. By the end of the debate you must be able to explain why you believe your verdict is correct and why you believe the other verdicts are incorrect.

As always, if you have questions, please come see me! I am happy to help!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

World History: Monday & Tuesday, September 12 & 13

Today we'll be analyzing another political cartoon for audience, purpose, and message.

Next we will spend time investigating whether or not we think Germany was responsible for the start of World War One. After World War One concluded, in the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was heaped with the full responsibility of starting World War one.

"The Allied governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied governments and their peoples have been subjected as a result of the war."
The "war guilt" clause from the Treaty of Versailles, 1919

You must decide whether or not Germany should have be given all blame for the start of the war. In order to do this, you will work in a group to evaluate source information and whether or not it shows that Germany is to blame. After you have chosen a verdict, you will use the source information and your analysis of it in a class debate.

Use the witness accounts shown on the right. For each witness account, you need to fill in the table by answering the questions: Who is the witness? Which verdict does the witness support? What evidence does the witness give to support the viewpoint? Can I trust the witness?

Create a table like this to help you analyze your sources.

Once you have analyzed all the sources, you must choose your verdict from one of the following:

Verdict 1: Germany was rightly blamed for starting the war.

Verdict 2: Germany was mainly responsible for starting the war, but the other powers should accept some of the blame.

Verdict 3: All of the major powers helped to start the war. They should share the blame.

Verdict 4: No one was to blame. The powers were swept along towards an inevitable war. It could not be stopped.

Once you have done that, sum up the evidence for your verdict in a short explanation, explaining why you have chosen the verdict, and why you have rejected the others.

Each of you will use all this information in a class debate!

Before you leave class, you will need to tell me which verdict you chose. Select your verdict by clicking here.

Welcome, Students!

Hello, students! Welcome to my webpages!

I will be posting information necessary for our class onto this website. Whenever you have questions, navigate to this website first. You should be able to find the answer here!

I will be posting major homework assignments onto the appropriate webpage to help you track your assignments and refresh your memory.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me!